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Our assets


Our first asset on the Unity Assets Store available soon.
- A fairy can follow you in your adventure almost like Zelda Ocarina Of Time.
-You can switch with meshtint fairy to make it more fairy.



Live Version 1.0 :

-Added a fairy Wings with animator and animation

 -Changed Easy_Trigger to detect a Layer in his collider.

 -Changed the visual of the Fairy_System script to make it more readable.

 -Added some FairyPoint, to make the transform.

 -Added a FairySphere Detection, attached to the FairyScript to remove all Easy_Trigger scripts, and make it more simply to use out of box.

 -Moving the directory into a “Pixchel Works” folder to make separated content become in the future.

 -Added in the package a Standard-DoubleSided Shader (for the wings). 

 -Added Custom Tag with color by transform





Link :

Sans titre-2.jpg

Our second asset on the Unity Assets Store available soon.
- A shop to sold item for your HAP Character, for Holsters and Inventory Scene.
-It use the coin currency in HAP system.


Link :

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